Idag ska vi prata vrede, ilska, raseri - ett tema som det verkligen inte var svårt att hitta låtar på om jag säger som så!
På Wikipedia kan vi lära oss följande:
Wrath (Latin, ira), also known as "rage", may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger. Wrath, in its purest form, presents with self-destructiveness, violence, and hate that may provoke feudsthat can go on for centuries. Wrath may persist long after the person who did another a grievous wrong is dead. Feelings of anger can manifest in different ways, including impatience, revenge, and self-destructive behavior, such as drug abuse or suicide.
Wrath is the only sin not necessarily associated with selfishness or self-interest, although one can of course be wrathful for selfish reasons, such as jealousy (closely related to the sin of envy). Dante described vengeance as "love ofjustice perverted to revenge and spite". In its original form, the sin of wrath also encompassed anger pointed internally as well as externally. Thus suicide was deemed the ultimate, albeit tragic, expression of hatred directed inwardly, a final rejection of God's gifts.[citation needed]
Vi kör!

SUPREME PAIN startades 2006 av bland annat sångaren i SINISTER Erwin Harreman. Jag valde att ta med Vengeful Wrath mycket för att den har ett sådant satans gott intro. Resten av låten är också bra, men har svårt att stå sig mot just introt, haha! Detta är death metal av snittet fullt ös medvetslös, vilket ju alltid är trevligt. Tydliga Hanneman-vibbar i solot om ni frågar mig.
