torsdag, juni 28, 2012

Veckans tristaste besked

Faceplant Metalfest i Malmö ställs in. Mycket, mycket tråkigt i sanning. Line-upen såg oförskämt bra ut för att vara det första året för festivalen. Jag hoppas starkt att gänget bakom försöker igen. Nedan har ni the full statement så att säga.
Fellow metalheads,

It is with very heavy hearts that we announce that Faceplant Metalfest 2012 unfortunately has to be cancelled.

We have had a massive and fantastic response these last few months, both from you – our awesome fans and collaborators – as well as from the Swedish press, which has regularly posted updates on the festival. But, unfortunately, a festival cannot be run on enthusiasm a...
lone. Despite us having sold as many tickets as we have, we are still so far from break-even that we have had to pull the plug now, 4 weeks before the event.

Right now we have reached a crisis-point as we have a number of bills that need to be paid right away for this festival to be able to happen – and those funds have unfortunately not been accumulated yet. We know that SO many of you have been very excited for this festival – and believe us, WE WERE TOO. Everyone we spoke to told us that this was a great initiative with great prospects, so we had our hopes high and expected a killer festival. But unless someone with a lot of money believes in this project so much that they want to help us fund it before the end of June – this is where it ends.

To all of you who already have bought tickets: every cent that we have left will be distributed evenly among you. This will not be the full ticket price unfortunately, due to the bills that we have had these last few months – but it will be all that we have, as a token of goodwill. Without you, we never would have had these ambitions in the first place. If we do arrange another smaller event in the near future (such as the after-party that we did for Rockmässan last year which was sold-out before the doors opened) we promise that all of you will be on our guest-list. Thank you for believing in our idea.

We have worked our asses off for a whole year, trying to make this dream a reality. But without enough ticket-sales, no event is possible. We have done everything possible within our reach to try and make this festival happen, but this is now out of our control.

Making this decision today was without a doubt the most difficult part of this journey, we hope that you understand this. Any questions you have can be sent to our chairman, Jacob ( who will do his best to answer them.

Metal always,
The Faceplant Crew

2 kommentarer:

Kim sa...

å vad tråkigt! Inte för att jag själv hade kunnat gå men som sagt det var en finfin line-up planerad och säkert hemskt många som blir besvikna.

Manhammer sa...

Tusan också! Jag som precis skulle köpa mig en biljett. Tråkigt att man är så slö. Hade flera varit lite snabbare med att köpa biljetter så hade kanske festivalen blivit verklighet...

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